第二档2029艾克斯病毒 (第3/6页)
随着时间的推移,这种被命名为“大 xy 病毒”的恶魔在欧洲大陆上肆虐横行,所到之处一片狼藉。医院里人满为患,走廊里、病房里到处都是痛苦呻吟的患者和绝望呼喊的家属。欧罗巴国家的医疗体系在病毒的猛烈冲击下迅速瘫痪,死亡人数像滚雪球一样不断攀升,大街小巷弥漫着死亡的气息,近一半的人口被无情地吞噬。
医学专家布朗表情严肃地汇报着疫情的严峻形势:“mr. president, this virus is extremely terrifying. It bines the characteristics of multiple viruses, has extremely strong drug resistance, and is constantly mutating. our current drugs and treatment methods are almost ineffective against it.” (总统先生,这种病毒极其恐怖。它融合了多种病毒的特性,具有超强的耐药性,而且还在持续变异。我们目前的药物和治疗手段对它几乎毫无作用。)
懂王皱起眉头,他的手指不停地敲击着桌面,试图缓解内心的紧张:“then what the hell should we do? we can't just sit and watch the United States be overrun.” (那我们到底该怎么办?不能眼睁睁看着美国也被攻陷。)
国务卿约翰逊站出来说道:“mr. president, first of all, we must immediately seal the border and strictly restrict the movement of people. then increase scientific research investment and mobilize the scientific research forces of the whole country to develop a vaccine or an effective treatment method as soon as possible.” (总统先生,首先我们必须立刻封锁边境,严格限制人员流动。然后加大科研投入,动员全国的科研力量,尽快研制出疫苗或者有效的治疗方法。)
国防部长米勒接着说:“we also need to strengthen domestic security measures to prevent social unrest. If necessary, the military can be used to maintain order.” (我们还需要加强国内的安保措施,防止社会动荡。必要时,可以动用军队维持秩序。)
懂王深吸一口气,站起身来,他试图展现出自己的果断与坚定:“okay, do as you say. At the same time, declare a nat