第51部分 (第2/9页)

she sniffed a new odour in it; it meant something; though she

did not know what it meant。 But she gathered it up: it was

significant。 When she knew that:

x2…y2 = (x + y)(x…y)

then she felt that she had grasped something; that she was

liberated into an intoxicating air; rare and unconditioned。 And

she was very glad as she wrote her French exercise:


In all these things there was the sound of a bugle to her

heart; exhilarating; summoning her to perfect places。 She never

forgot her brown 〃Longman's First French Grammar〃; nor her 〃Via

Latina〃 with its red edges; nor her little grey Algebra book。

There was always a magic in them。

At learning she was quick; intelligent; instinctive; but she

was not 〃thorough〃。 If a thing did not e to her

instinctively; she could not learn it。 And then; her mad rage of

loathing for all lessons; her bitter contempt of all teachers

and schoolmistresses; her recoil to a fierce; animal arrogance

made her detestable。

She was a free; unabateable animal; she declared in her

revolts: there was no law for her; nor any rule。 She existed for

herself alone。 Then ensued a long struggle with everybody; in

which she broke down at last; when she had run the full length

of her resistance; and sobbed her heart out; desolate; and

afterwards; in a chastened;
