第11章 小不点或拇指姑娘 Little Tiny or Thumbelina (第1/25页)

《小不点或拇指姑娘》,1835 年

Little tiny or thumbelina, 1835


《拇指姑娘》是安徒生童话集第二卷中的第一个故事,于 1835 年 12 月出版,正好赶上圣诞节。

“thumbelina” was the first story in the second installment of Andersen’s Eventyr, published in december 1835, just in time for christmas.


Its date coincided with his first real triumph as a writer:


publication of the novel the Improvisatore, soon reprinted and translated into German.


the first volume of fairy tales had met with mixed reviews;


at least one reviewer advised Andersen to stop writing them altogether.

在第三卷的引言中,安徒生承认这样的评论 “削弱了创作的欲望”,但他坚持了下来。

In his introduction to the third volume, Andersen conceded that such reviews “weakened the desire” to write but that he had persevered.

唤起他在纺织间和收获时节听到的故事的记忆,他使 “褪色的形象” 鲜活起来,并将它们作为自己富有想象力的创作的起点。

Reviving his memory of tales heard in spinning rooms and at harvest time, he brightened up “the faded colors of the images” and used them as the point of departure for imaginative creations of his own.

《拇指姑娘》,安徒生讲述一个逃跑新娘的故事,被不同地解读为一个教导 “人们和同类在一起时才幸福” 的故事,作为一个关于 “在当时的资产阶级中并不罕见的包办婚姻” 的寓言,以及作为一个 “关于忠于自己内心的直白寓言”,它也支持 “传统观念,即与一位传统的好王子的爱情相比,名利一文不值”。

“thumbelina,” Andersen’s tale of a runaway bride, has been variously interpreted as a tale teaching that “people are happy when with their own kind”, as an allegory about “arranged
