第15章 梦神 Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God (第1/22页)

《奥勒?卢科伊,梦神,1842 年》

ole - Luk - oie, the dream - God, 1842


奥勒?闭眼神(ole-Luk-oie)(ole Lock - Eye)与琼?布隆德(Jon blund)这个形象有关,琼?布隆德是一个小精灵,他会往孩子们的眼睛里撒沙子好让他们入睡。

ole-Luk-oie is related to the figure of Jon blund, an elf who sprinkles sand in children’s eyes so that they will go to sleep.


Andersen not only substitutes sweet milk for the sand but also turns ole-Luk-oie into a storyteller, one who needs lights out and eyes shut to work his magic.


ole-Luk-oie is both an incarnation of dreams (with a brother named death) and an unrivaled storyteller, who understands the importance of stories as a bridge between the real world and the world of imagination.

奥勒?闭眼神(ole-Luk-oie)与英语国家的睡魔(Sandman)和威利?温基(willie winkie)以及法国的多尔梅特(dormette)有关。

ole-Luk-oie is related to the Sandman and willie winkie in Anglophone countries, and dormette in France.

小威利?温基出自 1841 年威廉?米勒(william miller)用方言记录下来的一首苏格兰童谣:

wee willie winkie es from a Scottish nursery rhyme of 1841 written down by william miller in dialect:

“小威利?温基在镇子里跑来跑去,\/ 穿着睡衣上楼下楼,\/ 轻敲窗户,对着锁孔呼喊,\/‘孩子们都上床了吗,已经十点啦?’” 小威利?温基及其同类几个世纪以来一直被用来吓唬、强迫和引诱孩子们上床睡觉。

“wee willie winkie rins through the toun, \/ Up stairs and doon stairs in his nicht - goun, \/ tirlin’ at the window, cryin’ at the lock, \/ ‘Are the weans in their
