第125章 卷21 (第3/11页)

gratefully “the weather has been frightful, hasn’t it?”


another ute, alone thought, one would start discsg the cubs’ chances the next sean’s py


venng looked at the dows streaked with gray and then at alone “i suppose we’ll be forced to stay here until this bess is over witnesses and all that”

“恐怕你们得留下。” 马龙告诉他,“而且照芝加哥的办事速度,这可能得花好几个月。” 他希望上天能原谅他的恶意。

“i’ afraid you will” alone told hi, “and it ay take onths, the way thgs are dragd out chicago” he hoped heaven would five hi for beg alicio



the tall an frowned at the firepce “the day it’s over, we go to florida ona, your hospitality is atchless, but i can’t endure this fernal weather”

“一月份的天气一直很糟糕。” 莫娜说,语气中带着礼貌的歉意,但又不承担责任。“这让我想起了,伊迪莎。我有个坏消息要告诉你。洗衣店说你的外套毁了。”

“it has been beastly for january,” ona said, anagg to und politely apolotic without takg the b “that reds , editha i have bad news for you the cleaner reports your at was rued”

“我的外套?” 那个脸色苍白的女人脸上露出一丝困惑。

“y at?” the pale woan’s face was fatly puzzled


“the one you had on yesterday when you got caught the ra”

“哦,那件啊。没关系,我从来就不喜欢它。” 她虚弱地笑了笑。“我当时全身都湿透了。有那么几分钟,雨下得就像水龙头爆了一样。莫娜,那饮料很美味,但我能来一杯苏格兰威士忌吗?”

“oh, that it doesn’t atter, i never liked it” she siled weakly “i was siply drenched i
