第98章 套取情报 (第2/4页)

y strategies see to have unie secrets can you share a bit ore about the specific details of your recent technological breakthroughs? (你们的军事策略似乎有一些独特的秘密。能分享一下近期技术突破的具体细节吗?)”

厉霆琛微微眯眼,面上笑容未减,心中却瞬间洞悉对方意图,他不慌不忙地回答:“our achievents are the result of the llective efforts of our entire ilitary syste as for the details, they are part of our national security secrets and are not suitable for public discsion we are ore foced on how to better ata regional and world peace and stability through our strength (我们的成就是整个军事体系共同努力的结果。至于细节,这属于国家安全机密,不适合公开讨论。我们更关注的是如何通过我们的力量更好地维护地区和世界的和平与稳定。)”


其他领导人互相对视一眼,仍不死心,继续旁敲侧击:“ of our untries are al very terested certa advanced weapon systes aybe we can have operation this regard the future? (我们一些国家对某些先进武器系统也很感兴趣。也许未来我们可以在这方面进行一些合作?)”

厉霆琛双手抱胸,眼神坚定而深邃:“operation is possible, but it t be based on utual respect and the preise of not harg national terests at present, our foc is on the suess of this jot drill and the iprovent of the overall bat capabilities of the allied forces (合作是有可能的,但必须建立在相互尊重和不损害国家利益的前提下。目前,我们的重点是这次联合演练的成功以及盟军整体作战能力的提升。)”



然而,那位心怀不轨的领导人眼珠一转,又挑起话头:“the way your ldiers ordate is precise i wonder if there are special unication des or systes that enable such sealess operation? (你们士兵的配合如此精准,我很好奇是否有一些特殊的通讯代码或系统来实现这种无缝协作?)”

厉霆琛眼神中闪过一丝不易察觉的冷意,但语气依旧温和有礼:“it's all abo
