第16部分 (第1/6页)


罗伯特一脸惊讶和真诚的样子说:“Why? I won’t bother her; I just want to municate and bee friends with her。”(“为什么?我不会打扰她,我想和她交流,和她交朋友。”)

李雁南揶揄道:“Do you mean a software engineer from America municates with a Chinese waitress from the countryside? It’s ridiculous!”(“你的意思是说,一个来自美国的软件工程师和一个来自中国农村的女服务员交流,做朋友? 太可笑了!”)


罗伯特紧张地对李雁南说:“Look at me! Please!”(“请看着我!”)

李雁南笑着摇头道:“You’re not only a donkey but also a coward。”(“你不但是蠢驴还是胆小鬼!”)

罗伯特说:“I’ll let you know what I am but tell me why we can’t bee friends。 Please!”(“我将会让你知道我是什么,但现在请告诉我,为什么我们不能做朋友。”)


李雁南喝了一口,说:“I think you might as well be from Mars as far as she’s concerned; you know what I mean?”(“我认为对于她而言,你就像火星人那么遥远,你明白我的意思吗?”)

罗伯特笑:“Really? Why?”(“是吗?为什么?”)

李雁南说:“Well; you’re a mystery for her just like she’s an enigma for you。”(“对于她而言,你也是个谜,就像她对于你一样。”)

罗伯特承认后又抱怨:“Yes; we’re mysterious to each other but she shows no interest in me at all。”(“是的,我们相互都是谜,但她对我却一点也不感兴趣。”)

李雁南说:“Because she never expects much to e of it。 She won’t waste her time even if you’re willing to waste yours。 So; let her go; please!”(“因为她从来没有对自己寄望太高——尽管你愿意浪费你的时间,她却不想浪费时间。所以,你放过她吧,我求你了!”)

罗伯特不满地说:“Why do you insist I’m wasting time?Why should I give up? I’m not a coward。 You know we Americans always say‘I failed but at least I tried。’I think it’s worth a shot at least。”(“你怎么就认定我是在浪费时间呢?为什么我要放弃,我可不是孬种!你知道我们美国人有句口头禅,就是‘尽管我失败了,但我尽力了。’
