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第16部分(第2/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 永劫:决赛替补开局爆杀绝代双骄重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆袭篮球之星我的精灵训练家模拟器姑娘使不得啊网游:开局霸占富豪榜!末世网游:开局唯一超神级天赋影视编辑器我叫佐助,从火影首富制霸诸天无敌装备修改器斗罗世界的巫师网游之暗黑风云诡雾求生:我能返回现实世界足坛称雄:我有系统称霸欧陆足坛极限伏天我来自惩罚世界梦幻世界天堂地狱网游之天地人间热刺之魂CSGO教练我想学白给


李雁南淡淡地说:“But this is China; not America。”(“但这里是中国,不是美国。”)


李雁南说:“Ok; since you told me an American saying; I'd like to tell you a famous Chinese proverb。 It's actually more of a rule in Chinese marriage; really: Bride and groom should be well…matched in social; economic status and education background nowadays I might add。”(“好吧。既然你告诉了我一句美国名言,我也告诉你一句中国名言,确切地说应该是在婚姻上的一个规则,就是:新娘和新郎应该门当户对,比如,社会地位、经济地位,而今眼目下,我还得增加一个:教育背景。”)

罗伯特不屑一顾地说:“It’s absolutely absurd and silly! It’s a hierarchy; just like Indian caste system。 It’s a shame! ”(“这简直荒唐透顶,愚不可及!就像印度的种姓制度。这是个耻辱!”)

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李雁南突然激动起来,连珠炮似地说:“Ok; Mr。 Robert; let me explain it to as best I can。 How well do you know her? How much have you known China’s countryside? There’re lots of country girls like her in big cities but they’re just transient occupants。 For them cities are merely places to do the inferior jobs city people refuse to do even if the money they earn is negligible pared to what the city people make。 They can rarely enjoy a meal like we’re doing now even if they work in the restaurant。 They pass by the theatre every day but rarely see a film with their friends because two tickets are probably as expensive as half of their salary。 They have to work hard jobs for their hospitalized parents or to put their younger sisters and brothers in school。 They’re anxiously waiting for their support in their remote and rural hometown!… Maybe

