第19部分 (第7/8页)

d sided so much with unions after that。 He realized how much a union would have benefited him。

Rich dad encouraged Mike and me to know a little about a lot。 He encouraged us to work with people smarter than we were and to bring smart people together to work as a team。 Today it would be called a synergy of professional specialities。

Today; I meet ex…schoolteachers earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year。 They earn that much because they have specialized skills in their field as well as other skills。 They can teach as well as sell and market。 I know of no other skills to be more important than selling as well as marketing。 The skills of selling and marketing are difficult for most people primarily due to their fear of rejection。 The better you are at municating; negotiating and handling your fear of rejection; the easier life is。 Just as I advised that newspaper writer who wanted to bee a 〃best…selling author;〃 I advise anyone else today。 Being technically specialized has its strengths as well as its weaknesses。 I have friends who are geniuses; but they cannot municate effectively with other human beings and; as a result; their earnings are pitiful。 I advise them to just spend a year learning to sell。 Even if they earn nothing; their munication skills will improve。 And that is priceless。

In addition to being good learners; sellers and marketers; we need to be good teachers as well as good students。 To be truly rich; we need to be able to give as 
