第17部分 (第1/6页)

他脱口而出:“You know what? I’m still a virgin!”(“你知道吗?我至今还是个童男子呢!”

李雁南大吃一惊,也把尿筋闪了:“A virgin! Gosh! Are you kidding?”(“童男子!天哪!你搞笑吧你?”)

罗伯特严肃地:“I swear!”(“我发誓!”)

李雁南大笑:“Aha—! Me too!”(“啊哈!我也是童子呢!”)

罗伯特郁闷地喃喃自语:“Believe it or not!”(“信不信由你!”)


罗伯特纳闷地问:“What’re you murmuring?”(“你嘀咕什么呢?”)

李雁南拉上拉链,洗了手,握着罗伯特的手使劲地、大弧度地摇摇,感叹地说:“I really never thought of that! You’ve suffered from too much!”(“我真是没想到呀!——你受苦了!”)

罗伯特一副悲壮和骄傲的模样。回到座位上,吃喝了一阵,李雁南问:“Robert; I have a doubt。”(“罗伯特,我有一个疑问。”)


李雁南问:“Why don’t you choose a well…educated girl with good English to be your girlfriend?At least you can municate freely。”(“你为什么不找一个懂英语的、受过良好教育的女孩做你的女朋友?至少,这样你们交流起来不成问题。”)

罗伯特说:“I’ve told you education is something of a consideration but not the most important factor。 I believe each coin has two sides。 For instance; while education civilizes us it pollutes us with selfishness; hypocrisy; snobbery; it also makes us calculating and impassive。”(“我说过教育在一定程度上可以考虑,但不是最重要的。我坚持认为每一件事情都有它的两面性,比如,教育在开化人们的同时也用自私、虚伪、势利污染了我们,还让我们精于算计,冷漠茫然。”)

李雁南问:“I wonder if you tried。”(“我想你是否试过。”)

罗伯特说:“Honestly; I tried a few girls in America and in Japan。 Can you imagine a girl; especially a well…educated girl,telling you she loves you after the first date with you and then sleeping with you after the second date? A Beijing girl visited me without invitation; dran
