第24部分 (第3/7页)
ng…term agricultural development。 开垦的土地适合长期的农业发展。
recruit[ri'kru:t]v。 招募(新兵),征募 n。 新成员
例句 1。 Newly raised regiments were normally transferred to another region from whence it was unlikely that recruits would return。 征来的新兵通常被送往其他省份,因此他们不太可能回到原来的地方。
2。 The Argentine ants can quickly recruit a huge army from their network of nests。 阿根廷蚂蚁能从其周边巢穴迅速募集到一大批蚁群。
同义 enlist(v。 征募)
reduction[ri'd?k?n]n。 减少;下降,降低
例句 All over Europe; the exceptional reduction in the population and the related fall in demand for grain since the beginning of the seventeenth century had caused the price of agricultural products to fall。 在全欧洲,从17世纪开始,因为人口的异常减少,对粮食的需求量也有所下降,从而造成农产品价格的下降。
regiment['re?im?nt]n。 团;大量 v。 严格地管制
例句 1。 Soldiers served in the regiments for many years and after retirement generally stayed at the place they had stationed。 在兵团服役许多年后,退役的士兵大多愿意生活在当初驻扎过的地方。
2。 After the earthquake; a whole regiment of volunteers rushed to the disaster…hit areas。 地震发生后,大批志愿者奔赴灾区。
regulate['regjuleit]v。 管理,控制;调整
例句 1。 Because trade was not formally regulated; merchants were careful when they conducted business with people from different countries。 因为没有正式的贸易管理制度,商人们在和其他国家的人开展业务时非常小心。
2。 They regulate their temperature by making a variety of internal adjustments。 它们通过各种体内调节来控制体温。
regulation[?regju'lei?n]n。 规章;管理;调整
例句 While trade among merchants relies on regulation to some extent; trade between countries bees more s