第2章 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid (第2/23页)
in unprecedented ways.
For all her passion for adventure and life, she is, despite her pagan nature, a creature of passion, unwilling to sacrifice the prince’s life for her own.
the spirited curiosity that impels her to seek out the world of humans is also precisely what defeats her, leading to the condition of suffering that travers found so troubling.
迪士尼动画版的《小美人鱼》(1989 年)与启发它的故事有很大的偏离。
the animated disney version of “the Little mermaid” (1989) deviates sharply from the tale that inspired it.
它可能以一场婚姻幸福地结尾,但正如玛丽娜?沃纳所指出的,“女性欲望的问题在这部电影中占主导地位,这也许是它在小女孩中极受欢迎的原因:小美人鱼爱丽儿口中说出‘想要’这个动词的频率比其他任何词都高 —— 直到她的舌头被割掉。”
It may end happily with a marriage, but as marina warner points out, “the issue of female desire dominates the film, and may account for its tremendous popularity among little girls: the verb ‘want’ falls from the lips of Ariel, the Little mermaid, more often than any other—until her tongue is cut out”.
Still, the disney version has in many ways kept Andersen’s story alive, even if it has a heroine and an ending radically different from the story that inspired it.
Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep;