第86章 在大海的最远处 In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea (第1/5页)

《在大海的最远处》,1855 年

In the Uttermost parts of the Sea, 1855


Some years ago, large ships were sent towards the north pole, to explore the distant coasts, and to try how far men could penetrate into those unknown regions.


For more than a year one of these ships had been pushing its way northward, amid snow and ice, and the sailors had endured many hardships; till at length winter set in, and the sun entirely disappeared; for many weeks there would be constant night.


All around, as far as the eye could reach, nothing could be seen but fields of ice, in which the ship remained stuck fast.

雪堆积成了大堆,水手们用这些雪堆建成了蜂巢形状的小屋,有些小屋像 “匈奴人的坟墓” 一样又大又宽敞,而其他的小屋只够容纳三四个人。

the snow lay piled up in great heaps, and of these the sailors made huts, in the form of bee-hives, some of them as large and spacious as one of the “huns’ graves,” and others only containing room enough to hold three or four men.


It was not quite dark; the northern lights shot forth red and blue flames, like continuous fireworks, and the snow glittered, and reflected back the light, so that the night here was one long twilight.


when the moon was brightest, the natives came in crowds to see the sailors.

