第33章 护身符 The Talisman (第1/7页)

《护身符》,1836 年

the talisman, 1836


A prince and a princess were still celebrating their honeymoon.


they were extremely happy; only one thought disturbed them, and that was how to retain their present happiness.


For that reason they wished to own a talisman with which to protect themselves against any unhappiness in their marriage.


Now, they had often been told about a man who lived out in the forest, acclaimed by everybody for his wisdom and known for his good advice in every need and difficulty.


So the prince and princess called upon him and told him about their heart’s desire.


After the wise man had listened to them he said, “travel through every country in the world, and wherever you meet a pletely happily married couple, ask them for a small piece of the linen they wear close to the body, and when you receive this, you must always carry it on you. that is a sure remedy!”


the prince and the princess rode forth, and on their way they soon heard of a knight and his wife who were said to be living the most happily married life.


they went to
