第38章 天堂花园 The Garden of Paradise (第1/27页)

《天堂花园》,1838 年

the Garden of paradise, 1838


there was once a king’s son who had a larger and more beautiful collection of books than any one else in the world, and full of splendid copper-plate engravings.


he could read and obtain information respecting every people of every land; but not a word could he find to explain the situation of the garden of paradise, and this was just what he most wished to know.


his grandmother had told him when he was quite a little boy, just old enough to go to school, that each flower in the garden of paradise was a sweet cake, that the pistils were full of rich wine, that on one flower history was written, on another geography or tables; so those who wished to learn their lessons had only to eat some of the cakes, and the more they ate, the more history, geography, or tables they knew.


he believed it all then; but as he grew older, and learnt more and more, he became wise enough to understand that the splendor of the garden of paradise must be very different to all this.

“哦,为什么夏娃要从知识之树上摘下果实呢?为什么亚当要吃禁果呢?” 王子想:“如果我在那里,这一切就不会发生,世界上也就不会有罪恶了。”

“oh, why did Eve pluck the fruit from the tree of knowledge?
