第59章 织补针 The Darning-Needle (第1/7页)

《织补针》,1846 年

the darning-Needle, 1846


there was once upon a time a darning needle, that imagined itself so fine, that at last it fancied it was a sewing-needle.

“现在,注意了,把我紧紧握住!” 织补针对着正要把它拿出来的手指说道。

“Now, pay attention, and hold me firmly!” said the darning-needle to the fingers that were taking it out.


“do not let me fall! If I fall on the ground, I shall certainly never be found again, so fine am I.”

“差不多就是那样吧。” 手指回答道,说着,它们抓住了针的针身。

“pretty well as to that,” answered the fingers; and so saying, they took hold of it by the body.

“看,我后面还拖着一串东西呢!” 织补针说着,身后拖着一根长长的线,但线头上没有打结。

“Look, I e with a train!” said the darning-needle, drawing a long thread after it, but there was no knot to the thread.


the fingers directed the needle against an old pair of shoes belonging to the cook. the upper-leather was torn, and it was now to be sewed together.

“那是粗活。” 针说,“我可干不了。我会折断的!我会折断的!” 结果它真的折断了。

“that is vulgar work,” said the needle; “I can never get through it. I shall break! I shall break!” And it really did break.

“我不是说过了吗?” 针说,“我太娇弱了。”

“did I not say so?” said the needle; “I am too delicate.”

“现在它一点儿用也没有了。” 手指说,不过它们还得捏着它;厨娘在它上面滴了些封蜡,然后用它把自己的围巾别在一起。

“Now it’s good for nothing,” said the fingers, but they were obliged to hold it still; the cook dropped s
