第89章 笨汉杰克 Jack the Dullard (第1/9页)

《笨汉杰克》,1855 年

Jack the dullard, 1855



AN oLd StoRY toLd ANEw

Far in the interior of the country lay an old baronial hall, and in it lived an old proprietor, who had two sons, which two young men thought themselves too clever by half.


they wanted to go out and woo the King’s daughter; for the maiden in question had publicly announced that she would choose for her husband that youth who could arrange his words best.

于是这两位天才为求婚准备了整整一个星期 —— 这是能给他们的最长时间了;但也足够了,因为他们之前掌握了很多预备知识,而且大家都知道那有多有用。

So these two geniuses prepared themselves a full week for the wooing — this was the longest time that could be granted them; but it was enough, for they had had much preparatory information, and everybody knows how useful that is.


one of them knew the whole Latin dictionary by heart, and three whole years of the daily paper of the little town into the bargain, and so well, indeed, that he could repeat it all either backwards or forwards, just as he chose.


the other was deeply read in the corporation laws, and knew by heart what every corporation ought to know; and accordingly he thought he could talk of affairs of state, and put his spoke in the wheel in the council.

