第19章 普绪克 The Psyche (第1/27页)
the psyche, 1861
Andersen reported that this story was inspired by an incident that took place in Rome: a beautiful statue of bacchus was unearthed when a grave was being dug for a young nun.
古典古代神话典故与关于罪恶和救赎的圣经故事的融合,也将安徒生的故事与德国浪漫主义者联系起来,特别是 E.t.A. 霍夫曼和约瑟夫?冯?艾兴多夫,他们钟情于意大利,并将其用作他们中篇小说的背景。
the blend of allusions to the myths of classical antiquity and the biblical stories of sin and redemption also connect Andersen’s story to the German Romantics, particularly E.t.A. hoffmann and Josef von Eichendorff, who were enamored of Italy and used it as the setting for their novellas.
Albert Kuchler, a danish artist who became a monk, may have been the model for the sculptor in “the psyche.”
“the psyche” was published the same year as Andersen’s “the Ice maiden,” a terrifying tale about an icy kiss of death from a Nordic femme fatale.
在斯特拉文斯基为芭蕾舞剧《仙女之吻》(1928 年)对该故事进行的音乐改编中,标题中的仙女是一位将英雄带入艺术世界的缪斯。
In Stravinsky’s musical adaptation of that tale for the ballet Le baiser de la fée (1928), the fairy in the title is a muse who captures the hero for the world of art.
From the start, with his first novel the Improvisatore, Andersen was troubled by the nature of art, which aspires to the divine but