第1章 皇帝的新装 The Emperor’s New Suit (第1/12页)
《皇帝的新装》,1837 年
the Emperor’s New Suit, 1837
Andersen’s tale of the truth - speaking child has won many admirers because it pays powerful tribute to youth and innocence.
“当我还是个孩子的时候,” 历史学家露丝?罗森写道,“我最喜欢的故事是《皇帝的新装》。一群成年人赞扬皇帝的新衣橱,但是一个孩子脱口说出了真相:
“when I was a child,” historian Ruth Rosen writes, “my favorite story was ‘the Emperor’s New clothes.’ A chorus of adults praises the Emperor’s new wardrobe, but a child blurts out the truth:
the Emperor is in fact stark naked.
From this tale, I learned that adults could be intimidated into endorsing all kinds of flummery.”
Andersen’s tale is encoded with many possible lessons, and every reader seems to take a different message from it.
对于认知科学家史蒂文?平克来说,这个故事提供了一个 “关于集体幽默的颠覆力量的美妙寓言”,揭示了人多力量大以及笑声发出的 “不自觉、破坏性和有感染力的信号” 的力量。
For the cognitive scientist Steven pinker, the story offers a “nice parable of the subversive power of collective humor,” revealing the strength that es in numbers as well as the power of the “involuntary, disruptive, and contagious signal” sent by laughter.
安徒生故事中的孩子,无礼、无畏且充满活力,即使成年人 —— 恭敬、害怕且缺乏安全感 —— 太容易屈服于欺骗,他也向权势说出真相。
the child in Andersen’s story, who is irreverent, fearless, and spirited, speaks truth to power even as adults—deferential, intimidated, and insecure—succumb all