第29章 小意达的花儿 Little Ida’s Flowers (第1/15页)

《小意达的花儿》,1835 年

Little Ida’s Flowers, 1835

“我的可怜的花儿都死了。” 小意达说。

“my poor flowers are quite dead,” said little Ida.

“它们昨天晚上还那么美丽,现在它们所有的叶子都枯萎了。这是怎么回事呢?” 坐在沙发上的学生问她。

“they were so beautiful last evening, and now all their leaves hang withered. how can that be?” asked she from the student who sat on the sofa.


She was very fond of him, for he knew the most beautiful tales, and could cut out such wonderful pictures; he could cut out hearts with little dancing ladies in them; flowers he could cut out, and castles with doors that would open. he was a very charming student.

“为什么花儿今天看起来这么可怜呢?” 小意达又问,并给学生看了一整束枯萎的花。

“why do the flowers look so miserably to-day?” again asked she, and showed him a whole bouquet of withered flowers.

“你不知道它们怎么了吗?” 学生说,“花儿们昨晚去参加舞会了,所以它们才这么无精打采的。”

“dost thou not know what ails them?” said the student; “the flowers have been to a ball last night, and therefore they droop so.”

“但是花儿不会跳舞呀。” 小意达说。

“but flowers cannot dance,” said little Ida.

“是的,当天黑了,我们都睡着了的时候,它们就欢快地跳起舞来;几乎每个晚上它们都有舞会!” 学生说。

“Yes, when it is dark, and we are all asleep, then they dance about merrily; nearly every night they have a ball!” said the student.

“没有小朋友去参加那个舞会吗?” 意达问。

“can no child go to the ball?” inquired Ida.

“有呀,” 学生说,“小小的雏菊和铃兰都会去参加那个舞会。”

“Yes,” said the student, “little t
