第69章 木偶戏艺人 The Puppet-Show Man (第1/9页)
《木偶戏艺人》,1851 年
the puppet-Show man, 1851
on board a steamer I once met an elderly man, with such a merry face that, if it was really an index of his mind, he must have been the happiest fellow in creation; and indeed he considered himself so, for I heard it from his own mouth.
he was a dane, the owner of a travelling theatre.
he had all his pany with him in a large box, for he was the proprietor of a puppet-show.
his inborn cheerfulness, he said, had been tested by a member of the polytechnic Institution, and the experiment had made him pletely happy.
I did not at first understand all this, but afterwards he explained the whole story to me; and here it is: —
“我当时正在斯拉格尔斯小镇的驿站大厅里演出,” 他说,“观众非常出色,除了两位可敬的女士,其余全是孩子。
“I was giving a representation,” he said, “in the hall of the posting-house in the little town of Slagelse; there was a splendid audience, entirely juvenile excepting two respectable matrons.
All at once, a person in black, of student-like appearance, entered the room, and lived down; he laughed aloud at the telling points, and applauded quite at the proper time.