第73章 世界上最美丽的玫瑰 The Loveliest Rose in the World (第2/5页)


the flower must be one from the garden of love; but which of the roses there showed forth the highest and purest love?


the poets sang of this rose, the loveliest in the world, and each named one which he considered worthy of that title; and intelligence of what was required was sent far and wide to every heart that beat with love; to every class, age, and condition.

“还没有人说出那朵花的名字,” 智者说。

“No one has yet named the flower,” said the wise man.


“No one has pointed out the spot where it blooms in all its splendor. It is not a rose from the coffin of Romeo and Juliet, or from the grave of walburg, though these roses will live in everlasting song. It is not one of the roses which sprouted forth from the blood-stained fame of winkelreid. the blood which flows from the breast of a hero who dies for his country is sacred, and his memory is sweet, and no rose can be redder than the blood which flows from his veins. Neither is it the magic flower of Science, to obtain which wondrous flower a man devotes many an hour of his fresh young life in sleepless nights, in a lonely chamber.”

“我知道它在哪里盛开,” 一位幸福的母亲说道,她带着可
