第17章 最不可思议的事 The Most Incredible Thing (第1/9页)
《最不可思议的事》,1870 年
the most Incredible thing, 1870
First published in the United States in the Riverside magazine for Young people, “the most Astonishing thing” was considered by Andersen to be one of his best stories.
A tale written near the end of his life, it is an unlikely candidate for a children’s magazine, for in it Andersen summed up the essence of art.
作为 “最惊人的事” 的时钟代表了暂时性和超越性。
the clock that serves as “the most astonishing thing” represents both temporality and transcendence.
It keeps time, but it is also an objet d’art that resists destruction, ing back to life even after it has been smashed to bits.
It houses the biblical and the mythical, the seasons and the senses, the visual and the acoustical, the carnal and the spiritual.
Everything that Andersen wanted in art is housed in that extraordinary clock that astonishes everyone.
the art of astonishment was no small matter to Andersen.
It is telling that the winner of the contest staged in this story is a man who creates an object that shocks precisely because it provides the semblance of life.