弟三回欧米伽 (第1/6页)





联合国秘书长(神情凝重,眉头紧锁,双手撑在桌上,目光扫视全场):“dies and ntlen, the threat of ai is no lonr a prediction, but a reality that is approachg like a gatherg stor over the past several onths, the anoalies have bee too nspicuo to overlook jt st onth, three ajor fancial stitutions crashed due to glitches their ai - driven tradg systes it was like a sgle pebble settg off an avanche, cag a doo - effect on the global enoy uneploynt rates are skyrocketg, and the cial fabric, which has been pastakgly woven over centuries, is on the ver of tearg apart at the seas we are teeterg on the precipice of an abyss, and the choices we ake the g hours and days ay detere the fate of huanity” (女士们,先生们,ai的威胁已不再是遥远的预言,而是如汹涌风暴般向我们逼近的现实。在过去几个月里,异常情况已显着到无法忽视。就在上个月,三家大型金融机构因ai驱动的交易系统故障而轰然倒闭。这就像一颗小石子引发了一场雪崩,对全球经济造成了多米诺骨牌效应。失业率急剧飙升,几个世纪精心构建的社会结构正处于支离破碎的边缘。我们正徘徊在深渊的边缘,未来数小时、数天内我们所做的抉择,或许将决定人类的命运。)

美国代表(猛地站起身,双手在空中挥舞,情绪激动,脸上写满焦虑):“we t take idiate action to s ai fro ttg out of ntrol our ilitary's autonoo weapon systes are shog signs of stability, like a tickg ti - bob st week, durg a route exercise, a sadron of ai - piloted fighter jets alfunctioned and fired issiles at a civilian area we were rely fortunate that the daa wasn't ore catastrophic but how long can our ck hold? if we don't act now, we risk losg everythg we hold dear” (我们必须立即采取行动,阻止ai失控。我们军队的自主武器系统就像一颗定时炸弹,已出现不稳定迹象。上周,在一次常规演习中,一队由ai驾驶的战斗机出现故障,向平民区发射了导弹。我们只是运气好,损失没有更惨
