第80章 各得其所 Everything in the Right Place (第2/16页)

然后他放声大笑起来,因为他觉得这就是好玩;其他人也跟着笑了起来 —— 整个队伍都在呼喊叫嚷,猎犬也在汪汪叫着。

then he burst out laughing, for that he called fun; the others joined in — the whole party shouted and cried, while the hounds barked.


while the poor girl was falling she happily caught one of the branches of the willow tree, by the help of which she held herself over the water, and as soon as the baron with his pany and the dogs had disappeared through the gate, the girl endeavoured to scramble up, but the branch broke off, and she would have fallen backward among the rushes, had not a strong hand from above seized her at this moment.


It was the hand of a pedlar; he had witnessed what had happened from a short distance, and now hastened to assist her.

“各得其所。” 他学着那位高贵的男爵说道,然后把小女孩拉上了干燥的地面。

“Everything in the right place,” he said, imitating the noble baron, and pulling the little maid up to the dry ground.


he wished to put the branch back in the place it had been broken off, but it is not possible to put everything in the right place; therefore he stuck the branch into the soft ground.

“要是你能生长繁茂,就为那边宅邸里的人做一支好笛子吧。” 他说;要是能看到那位高贵的男爵和他的同伴们被好好教训一顿,他会非常高兴的。

“Grow and thrive if you can, and produce a good flute for them yonder at the mansion,” he said; it w
