第6章 丑小鸭 The Ugly Duckling (第2/22页)
d personal inadequacy.
孩子弱小无力,常常被轻视对待,他们可能会认同安徒生笔下的这个 “丑陋” 的生物,它可能没有什么前途,但最终却超越了那些看似有前途的。
Small, powerless, and often treated dismissively, children are likely to identify with Andersen’s “hideous” creature, who may be unpromising but who also, in time, surpasses the promising.
正如布鲁诺?贝特尔海姆(bruno bettelheim)在《魔法的用途》(the Uses of Enchantment)中指出的那样,安徒生笔下的主角不必接受通常强加给童话英雄的考验、任务和磨难。
As bruno bettelheim points out in the Uses of Enchantment, Andersen’s protagonist does not have to submit to the tests, tasks, and trials usually imposed on the heroes of fairy tales.
“No need to acplish anything is expressed in ‘the Ugly duckling.’ things are simply fated and unfold accordingly, whether or not the hero takes some action”.
Andersen suggests that the ugly duckling’s innate superiority resides in the fact that he is of a different breed.
Unlike the other ducks, he has been hatched from a swan’s egg.
这种自然界中隐含的等级制度 —— 高贵的天鹅与谷仓里的乌合之众相对 —— 似乎表明尊严和价值,以及审美和道德上的优越性,是由天性而非成就决定的。
this implied hierarchy in nature—majestic swans versus the barnyard rabble—seems to suggest that dignity and worth, along with aesthetic and moral superiority, are determined by nature rather than by acplishment.
whatever the pleasures of a story that celebrates the trium