第130章 卷26 (第3/9页)
“没有一件事说得通。”杰克抱怨道,“两个叫杰拉尔德·图伊兹的人,都以同样的方式被谋杀。某个醉鬼以为他杀了他们两个,却又记不起任何细节。这个女人在找她丈夫的坟墓,然后又跑到市中心去见她丈夫。那个坟墓就在那里,还有某个笨蛋从树后面朝我开枪。那把钥匙,还有那两个人在死前都想跟你谈谈。还有杰拉尔德·图伊兹在 1921 年被葬在罗斯代尔公墓。这一切都毫无道理。”
“nothg akes sense,” jake ped “o guys nad rald tuesday, both urdered the sa way drunk thkg he urdered both of the, and not able to reber any details this da lookg for her hband’s grave, and then trottg off downtown to et her hband and the grave beg there, and dope shootg at fro the trees the key, and those o guys tryg to talk to you before they cashed and rald tuesday buried rosedale cetery 1921 none of it akes any sense”
“i’ afraid it does,” alone said ditatively “i alost wish it didn’t, but it does diabolical sense, and the workg of sane d, too anythg that sees as crazy as this is bound to ake sense”
“ the anti” jake deanded, “who the hell did ona ne urder?”
the wyer sighed “there t be nnection beeen these o urders and ona ne,” he said “all we need to do is fd out what it is”
他皱着眉头看着桌上的纸。那是一份名叫杰拉尔德·图伊兹的人的死亡证明的副本,1892 年生于印第安纳州埃尔克哈特,1921 年在芝加哥死于心脏病。
he swled at the paper on his desk it was a py of the death certificate of one rald tuesday, born elkhart diana, 1892, and dead of heart disease chicago 1921