第18章 母亲的故事 The Story of a Mother (第1/12页)
《母亲的故事》,1848 年
the Story of a mother, 1848
安徒生这个关于母亲与孩子的感人故事于 1847 年在伦敦首次以 “圣诞书籍” 的形式用英语出版。
Andersen’s moving story about mother and child was first published in English as a “christmas book” in London in 1847.
It was intended by Andersen as a tribute to his british audience, and he entitled the volume (which included four other tales) A christmas Greeting to my English Friends.
这本书是献给查尔斯?狄更斯的,安徒生在 1847 年夏天与他相识(据说狄更斯曾这样说起这个英语难懂出了名的丹麦人:“我一定要见见安徒生”),这本作品集受到了热烈欢迎。
dedicated to charles dickens, whom Andersen had met in the summer of 1847 (“I musch see Andersen,” dickens is reported to have said about the dane whose English was notoriously difficult to understand), the collection was warmly received.
安徒生的英国粉丝们,其中包括出版商、记者、银行家、牧师,还有公爵和公爵夫人,纷纷涌向他在莱斯特广场的住所。安徒生觉得自己已经到达了他所认为的 “成功的巅峰”,但他也痛苦地抱怨英国人欣赏他的方式是他的丹麦同胞永远无法做到的。
Andersen’s british fans, a group that included publishers, journalists, bankers, ministers, along with dukes and duchesses, swarmed his lodgings at Leicester Square. Andersen had reached what he believed to be the “pinnacle of success,” but he plained bitterly about how the british appreciated him in ways that his fellow danes never could.
1847 年 12 月 6 日,安徒生在给狄更斯的信中谈到了献给他的这些故事:
Andersen wrote to dickens on december 6, 1847, about the stories dedicated to him: